Saturday 4 August 2012

Conversation (R.I.P)

The tittle says it all, conversation is dead in this era as it has been dominated by technology. Not many of you might agree with me but it is slightly true as now a days it is less talking and more typing whether on the mobile or the computer, talking with our mouth has been turned to talking with our fingers, you may say I'm being contradictory cause as they say look at your self first then point fingers and i shall say yes i do more talking with my fingers but also with my mouth. Our elders are stupefied by how quickly our generation has lost the interaction time and spends more time dwindling with their mobiles or  Ipods or whatever gadget that comes to your mind that stops you from interacting people face to face. Technology has been trying to set up the interaction part but it is not the same as it is sitting and talking to the person. Teens mostly have started cutting up the talk time with their family or parents because of age difference or as the word goes 'generation gap'. 
Now that you think about it conversation has been truly killed as all our conversation has been taken over by technology and every sort of talk is done on the Internet. So now are we going to do anything to change it? are we going to resurrect conversation or still continue to be mute upfront but loud through technology? choice is ours...

Edexcel exams and awaited doom.....(drum roll ) me an idiot for mentioning it right now and ruining your mood with an anxiety but the month of may was a nightmare yet a fun time....the very first Edexcel exams were held and well for me it was the first time and all 9 subjects together was like slaughter though for some it was 8 or 10, the IGCSE exams began on 8th may 2012 and ended on 30th may 2012, a full month on coming and going from the center, our center awe-strucked us with its huge-ness!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen our center was Sheik Zayed and let me tell you it was a HUUUUGGGEEEE school.....i might be exaggerating considering my own school was not so huge...
The first week of the exams was full of nervousness and nose buried in books for last Milli second revision..but then the 'i don't care' attitude kicked in as we became confident of what we studied and were hopeful that it would help was all score good, outside the examination hall we were all cool and confidante but inside it was all prayers to Allah(S.W.T) to help every single word from to book to not be vanished like a Houdini's trick when we see the paper and it helped! outside again it was either discussions or teasing each other with stuff not related in a light years with studies...just like that the exams went away and the bomb for the result started ticking, the ticking has become a little louder as its august now and doom awaits...good luck to all of you for your result and i need buckets of good luck... and i shall get them!!

Farewell (Be-lated) 2012

Yes, so its not that much of a good picture but you get the point :) Farewell, the time when you finally go over all your years and school and no matter how much you used to say you hate it you realize that you are going to miss your school...(too many you's).....
Well our farewell was simple and memorable for all I can say, the juniors did a pretty good job with preparing it and our expectation bar was our last hosted farewell to our seniors but they did a swell job! The setting made you feel like a celebrity minus the paparazzi and the out of control fans for an autograph, but it sure did seem like the friends of SATC meeting and together and being fashionably late ;) though i doubt it was so in the after being seated we waited for the show to begin but which show begins without the principal? So yes we waited for our dear principal and the show started.
The junior outlined their show at what would be done and how it all would be carried out, the juniors did a skit of all the teachers... a really entertaining parody let me tell you and a 'qawali' I suppose which was just a song fitted with their own of our friends even prepared a speech, and it was supposed to make you cry but I didn' me heartless but i didn't cry on the farewell thought her speech was really good and reminded us of the years in our school and our jolly time with all the teachers and the light skirmishes we had....after that we got our titles and it was just like walking up to take a Grammy award...well maybe a notch down but still the same feeling, though the juniors really needed to explain what they meant with our titles, yes a mystery indeed-for me at least. And then well i shall quote one of my juniors as he said well that "lets eat!" thus the time went by and all of us hugged and said our goodbyes as time came to go back home and possibly gush out all the events to our parents like a 5-yr old on sugar rush and the day came to an end...our juniors even gave a complimentary gift of a really cool t-shirt, though plain white and "class of 2012" written on it.shocking as it may be but it all happened in June, yes June, but the memory cant be erased :)

A humble member of the Koala Society

Well the title shows my other bout of laziness but I became a Humble member with the starting of the holy month of Ramadan, yes people! Ramadan is here and it means well loads of prayer and time spent in praising the lord where as my time is mostly spent as being a koala bear.....
On another note Happy Ramadan :) how is the fast going? hungry much? or what about thirst? :) something must be bothering you and making it all hard, well for me its my super talent of sleeping :P yes I'm bothered with my sleep, i might beat the koala in a sleeping contest (I doubt it) I set up alarms which fail to wake me up from my slumber but my mum's voices suffices as an alarm....cause she gets annoyed...
There must be many many young Rozadars even :) and it seem cute that these little kids are keeping a fast along with adults,
Well.....that's less for this topic, unlike last time, thought yet again have a happy fast!!

Laziness award goes to....

yes... I am finally back, my buddy lazy over here wasn't letting me go at all for more than 2.5 months :) but now I'm free from it's clutches!!!!