Sunday 4 November 2012

College... A new life, A new phase

Yes, College life has begun, well since September but I'm just posting about it right now. So college is like a see-saw- where you balance your studies at one point and your social life and other fun on the other and become a Houdini in balancing them both. Stereotypes are made, you're labeled and what not goes down in colleges. Classes become rather more interesting them school classes and you get eager for some and not for the others. You either plan to bunk or go to class early and if not bunk then you come late. You have fun with the teachers and enjoy your time. When you come to a new college you come either as the "Lone-wolf" and make new friends slowly and gradually or want that status and keep off from everyone or you come as a "Groupie" and make new friends and then decide whether to leave the old and go with the new or stick to the old and keep the new on your left foot or go with it together. 
A good friend of mine said and I quote " You aren't a college student unless you have fights", you basically aren't a student unless you have fights but especially in college.
As college starts you get mini-heart attacks along the route, such as of the university choice or the WiFi password being changed or having and unexpected test or being asked a tough question or anything, yet you enjoy everyday and are eager to go unlike in school where you used to find ways to stay in the comforts of the bed, such a situation may come in the college period yet you find it fun going even after days- I felt like Izzie after a long break from college :p 
Events also come along the way and you eagerly participate, you have a new confidence that you're ready to use to explore. You sign up in societies and you host events, all the perks of being a college student. how many of you enjoy all this? I'm certainly enjoying it and well who knows this new phase might drop after my first AS exams or maybe not, who knows.