Tuesday 20 November 2012

Fake Condolence

This is mostly happened with every, If not then maybe you have applied with to yourself only, fake condolence.
It's when you give yourself a fake hope that everything is perfect and that everything will work out for you whereas your sub-conscious knows that's not the case.
You are thrown in to an inner turmoil of what to do, what to say, and how to act upon the situation...your final resort it to comfort yourself even if it is fake but gives you a peace of mind, it'll work for you. However when the time of the impending situation starts coming near you start reacting to it and you lose it all, All of the patient cover you had gets blown away and you let lose too many feelings that you had "tried" to suppress.
It's human instinct to run away from a situation which they are not ready to handle, face or speak up to, this is also a mean of running away in the long list of the different methods.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Blast from the past

The title says it all. The past, you wanna forget about it but you can't- you wanna leave it behind but it follows and creeps along you behind your back hidden/concealed from the view. It only needs a trigger to bounce up on you and you never know what the is the trigger to the silent gun. Noiselessly the bullet pierces your mind and leaves you baffled and confused. You dwindle on the intricate fibers that present in your mind regarding all the past and leaves you with a lost look with no coming back. Your mind becomes your ow n enemy.

Monday 12 November 2012

A trip to remember...

Yes..hiking...ALL GIRLS!! It's hard to imagine it but yes, a whole bunch of us girls went up from the bottom of a mountain in a proper hike to the top for a rewarding meal. It was a big calorie burner and a start for all of us to lose wait or thank Lord Almighty for the food he bestows us with.
At the start it all seemed like we were a bunch of tourists who have never gone hiking before as groups of us kept stopping and taking in the sight of took pictures in different poses which striked as a model shoot for some magazine, or a really big family who kept chatting and walking leisurely along the way on a Monday morning.
Soon all of us got divided in to groups or like speeds of a car, fast- average- slow, I myself "enjoyed" the pleasure of being in all the speeds and lastly being stuck in the last speed. Soon enough it all became like a Grand Prix, to race up and reach up to the summit or our finish- to the torturous hike.
When we reached the "wine and dine in" of our hike everyone soon got over the exhaustion and started to let loose and have fun, we wasted all the sudden excitement and energy over the surroundings to make it a memorable day and finished it with a heart warming act by giving eatables to a boy selling bamboo flowers.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Eid Mubarak! (really late.....)

A hearty welcome after a Ragging

If the picture portrays what I wanna say then Hallelujah I have been successful in what I desire. "Masquerade Ball" that's what we had as a welcome. Many of us had the same masks and all laughed over it, it all seemed like a fashion show- as everyone wore glamorous dresses and strutted in their own walk. It was a welcome worth remembering and was well accustomed with whoa's and oo's and all the other aspects of cheering. Music blared the whole time and different yet small program's were conducted, with dances choreographed in a weeks' time of hogging the gym proved entertaining . All in all it was a wonderful night with sore throats to prove for it.

Ragging, fun or caught off gaurd?

Ever been ragged? College students say aye and school goers say nay, ragging is always been taken as a tradition for the new batches and the seniors give their welcome in their fashion - ragging. This accident always happens when the new batch has their first day at college and a fear is instilled in them, however our seniors caught us off guard in the second week of college, when everyone humbly sat down for biology class our seniors came all like hounds (no offense) to the classroom. Megaphones blared and the seniors had to face our Fort Knox, our teacher- who wasn't letting us skip the class and we found re-newed love for the subject and begged the teacher to not let us go. Alas she gave us up and we were told to either pay up or get out from the class or have the class dirtied with whatever they had planned, All of us got huddled up and watched the moves of our seniors really keenly- some tried to run but all the doors had been barricaded by one of our senior, soon we were taken to the back of the school- how humble. Music was blaring and the seniors tried instilling fear and became Red Indians with the battle cries. Thus the ragging commenced.
Glitter water, chalk water, and paints were thrown and we became from squeaky clean to squeaky dirty but with no squeak. Our tasks to escape were simple to simply dance or sing or be a chicken- us being the rebellions said no we can't do anything and made it for them to do in which they brought the big guns- eggs. Eggs is good for hair if used in other ways rather than raw broken on you but that was done and fear started to spread and some worried to not dirty the car while going back- so "blood money" or "bail money" was provided and soon it all ended and Chemistry was bunked in all the madness. Now the seniors and Juniors are like a happy family if it may  be appropriate to say.

College... A new life, A new phase

Yes, College life has begun, well since September but I'm just posting about it right now. So college is like a see-saw- where you balance your studies at one point and your social life and other fun on the other and become a Houdini in balancing them both. Stereotypes are made, you're labeled and what not goes down in colleges. Classes become rather more interesting them school classes and you get eager for some and not for the others. You either plan to bunk or go to class early and if not bunk then you come late. You have fun with the teachers and enjoy your time. When you come to a new college you come either as the "Lone-wolf" and make new friends slowly and gradually or want that status and keep off from everyone or you come as a "Groupie" and make new friends and then decide whether to leave the old and go with the new or stick to the old and keep the new on your left foot or go with it together. 
A good friend of mine said and I quote " You aren't a college student unless you have fights", you basically aren't a student unless you have fights but especially in college.
As college starts you get mini-heart attacks along the route, such as of the university choice or the WiFi password being changed or having and unexpected test or being asked a tough question or anything, yet you enjoy everyday and are eager to go unlike in school where you used to find ways to stay in the comforts of the bed, such a situation may come in the college period yet you find it fun going even after days- I felt like Izzie after a long break from college :p 
Events also come along the way and you eagerly participate, you have a new confidence that you're ready to use to explore. You sign up in societies and you host events, all the perks of being a college student. how many of you enjoy all this? I'm certainly enjoying it and well who knows this new phase might drop after my first AS exams or maybe not, who knows.


This is a habit that should not be caught, like a bad flu...but I have and thus my posts are late.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Conversation (R.I.P)

The tittle says it all, conversation is dead in this era as it has been dominated by technology. Not many of you might agree with me but it is slightly true as now a days it is less talking and more typing whether on the mobile or the computer, talking with our mouth has been turned to talking with our fingers, you may say I'm being contradictory cause as they say look at your self first then point fingers and i shall say yes i do more talking with my fingers but also with my mouth. Our elders are stupefied by how quickly our generation has lost the interaction time and spends more time dwindling with their mobiles or  Ipods or whatever gadget that comes to your mind that stops you from interacting people face to face. Technology has been trying to set up the interaction part but it is not the same as it is sitting and talking to the person. Teens mostly have started cutting up the talk time with their family or parents because of age difference or as the word goes 'generation gap'. 
Now that you think about it conversation has been truly killed as all our conversation has been taken over by technology and every sort of talk is done on the Internet. So now are we going to do anything to change it? are we going to resurrect conversation or still continue to be mute upfront but loud through technology? choice is ours...

Edexcel exams and awaited doom.....(drum roll ) me an idiot for mentioning it right now and ruining your mood with an anxiety but the month of may was a nightmare yet a fun time....the very first Edexcel exams were held and well for me it was the first time and all 9 subjects together was like slaughter though for some it was 8 or 10, the IGCSE exams began on 8th may 2012 and ended on 30th may 2012, a full month on coming and going from the center, our center awe-strucked us with its huge-ness!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen our center was Sheik Zayed and let me tell you it was a HUUUUGGGEEEE school.....i might be exaggerating considering my own school was not so huge...
The first week of the exams was full of nervousness and nose buried in books for last Milli second revision..but then the 'i don't care' attitude kicked in as we became confident of what we studied and were hopeful that it would help was all score good, outside the examination hall we were all cool and confidante but inside it was all prayers to Allah(S.W.T) to help every single word from to book to not be vanished like a Houdini's trick when we see the paper and it helped! outside again it was either discussions or teasing each other with stuff not related in a light years with studies...just like that the exams went away and the bomb for the result started ticking, the ticking has become a little louder as its august now and doom awaits...good luck to all of you for your result and i need buckets of good luck... and i shall get them!!

Farewell (Be-lated) 2012

Yes, so its not that much of a good picture but you get the point :) Farewell, the time when you finally go over all your years and school and no matter how much you used to say you hate it you realize that you are going to miss your school...(too many you's).....
Well our farewell was simple and memorable for all I can say, the juniors did a pretty good job with preparing it and our expectation bar was our last hosted farewell to our seniors but they did a swell job! The setting made you feel like a celebrity minus the paparazzi and the out of control fans for an autograph, but it sure did seem like the friends of SATC meeting and together and being fashionably late ;) though i doubt it was so in the after being seated we waited for the show to begin but which show begins without the principal? So yes we waited for our dear principal and the show started.
The junior outlined their show at what would be done and how it all would be carried out, the juniors did a skit of all the teachers... a really entertaining parody let me tell you and a 'qawali' I suppose which was just a song fitted with their own of our friends even prepared a speech, and it was supposed to make you cry but I didn' me heartless but i didn't cry on the farewell thought her speech was really good and reminded us of the years in our school and our jolly time with all the teachers and the light skirmishes we had....after that we got our titles and it was just like walking up to take a Grammy award...well maybe a notch down but still the same feeling, though the juniors really needed to explain what they meant with our titles, yes a mystery indeed-for me at least. And then well i shall quote one of my juniors as he said well that "lets eat!" thus the time went by and all of us hugged and said our goodbyes as time came to go back home and possibly gush out all the events to our parents like a 5-yr old on sugar rush and the day came to an end...our juniors even gave a complimentary gift of a really cool t-shirt, though plain white and "class of 2012" written on it.shocking as it may be but it all happened in June, yes June, but the memory cant be erased :)

A humble member of the Koala Society

Well the title shows my other bout of laziness but I became a Humble member with the starting of the holy month of Ramadan, yes people! Ramadan is here and it means well loads of prayer and time spent in praising the lord where as my time is mostly spent as being a koala bear.....
On another note Happy Ramadan :) how is the fast going? hungry much? or what about thirst? :) something must be bothering you and making it all hard, well for me its my super talent of sleeping :P yes I'm bothered with my sleep, i might beat the koala in a sleeping contest (I doubt it) I set up alarms which fail to wake me up from my slumber but my mum's voices suffices as an alarm....cause she gets annoyed...
There must be many many young Rozadars even :) and it seem cute that these little kids are keeping a fast along with adults,
Well.....that's less for this topic, unlike last time, thought yet again have a happy fast!!

Laziness award goes to....

yes... I am finally back, my buddy lazy over here wasn't letting me go at all for more than 2.5 months :) but now I'm free from it's clutches!!!!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Remember Tonight


SIST 2012!!! came and gone...

Faisal Masjid (the top....its' a pillar of it though) was ready for this years SIST (shifa inter-shcolastic tournament) on 7-8th January 2012. The event was line from Calligraphy to Photography to Art on the spot to 3-D art to Lectures to Project runway to Anasheed competition to a lot of events!!! This years theme was Mission Submission: Bow down to rise and our teams were Ra'kayoon and Sa'ajaydoon.

the event started off at 8 am at with the recitation of the Holy Quran and then people ran off to their respective events or the events they wanted to attend. It went on till 9 pm at night with dinner (which we were highly expecting :P) however the lectures of Hamza Andreas Tzortzis and Adnan Rasheed were highly appreciated and looked forward to for the next day and well I for one didn't want them to stop talking as their lectures were superb!!!! As they spoke the hall rang from Takbirs from time to time!
On the second day Junaid Jamshed had also come for a lecture....amazing way to end the show! and brother Hamza did a Anasheed which we participated in as we have heard it.All of it ended with the award ceremony in which MASHALLAH our school won a lot compared to last year. and I'm looking forward to hearing the two phenomenal speakers again!
visit these pages and hear them once...i can not guarantee you 100% but yes you would want to hear them more and more!

Hiking on Trail 5

yes trail 5....a record was broken that day by me :P never have i gone so high on a mountain but as the top most picture shows it was worth it all and i got to see a small waterfall!

A day i remember well and want it to happen again.....other than the pain of going up but coming down is fun and the bright side...weight loss even more than already :P

discovering new gems *ahem ahem* Singers!!!!

 Starting off with Arjun! yeah the guy who did the remix version of "Kolaveri Di" for those who haven't heard it hear it is:
this guy lemme tell you is AMAZING! all of his other songs deserve a listen to and well I am addicted maybe you might be as well :) He is a you tube artist and resides in the UK.....a UK boy singing awesome songs? Isn't that enough to convince you to go and hear this dude?????
Next is Dawn Jay. this guy well a recommendation by my cousin and a good one that is. He is a newly debuted artist and all of the songs on his album "The Dawning" are addictive especially one of his skits!!!!
Not all of the songs are present on Youtube except "Liar" (that is above and the 1st song that introduced the artist to me) another song is "Last Chance" which is not on the album but also a good song. If you wanna try him out check him out on Facebook and the URL is
for Youtube and Twitter its
Two new artists to my playlist!! :)
are you adding them soon?

IGSC photography comptition (definetly spelled something wrong)

yeah so this one comes to my mind like it happened yesterday though it happened last year-i think in September but oh well my memory is NOT that good when it comes to remembering dusty ol' stuff. So our school went for the photography thing,yeah. It was a team of 5 girls and 3 boys with one teacher to keep an eye on us even though we are innocent kids....who get out of hand....but we're kids and would stay I'm just going off the topic!!!!
The theme was unity (phew! at least i remember that!). Many pictures got accepted by our teacher-who selected the images to be send-and some didn't. Mine was of men going down in Ruku (while praying in congregation). To get that snap was hard and took a lot of whisper shouts to my brother to get it from the perfect angle.......why couldn't i just go? I'm a girl thats' why......................
Moving on we all were hoping to skip the whole day and stay at the campus and i for one was praying that the campus be a 30 minute drive from school but was a 10-15 minute drive from school!!!! the first half was registering and seeing our pictures the other half-which was our break- was to go hear the results and at that time our prayers paid off(YAAAAAY!!!!). the result took a great deal of our time and yes we won a prize :) it actually didn't matter if I won or not it was just good to know that OUR school won something.
O yeah! i forgot a guy even did a break dance on chamak challo over there but sadly it wasn't on you tube :(
so that wrapped our day and well it was amazing!!!!
but they haven't given my picture back! and the certificate got it on Thursday i.e. 5th January 2012 or maybe I'm wrong with the date

Laziness...... i have been lazy , scratch that i have been REALLY lazy in not updating a single thing going about so to amend that i would post whatever is left in my brain of the last occasions......why am i so lazy god?!?!?!